Saturday, February 28, 2009

Am I alone?

Here are somethings about me that I think might be pretty unique. Im not sure they're unique, maybe lots of people think the same but these aren't things we would talk about much. Any way I'll put them down and if any of them are something that you all think or feel the same about let me know so I won't think I am a big spazz.

1. When people ask what kind of sense it makes to take a book on vacation when you can just as easily read at home, I can’t explain it to them but I think to myself, “You just don’t get it.”

2. Grasshoppers are the nastiest creatures on this earth. (little grippy feet and what is with the brown spit..Blech!!) and Im not scared of them, I can pick them up and I don't need to jump up on a chair when I see one or anything, they are just nasty.

3. I can't stand watching weather on the news.

4. When I accidentally put a shirt on backwards, it makes my skin crawl.

5. I would like to go back in time and fight myself at different ages. (Id kick my ass!!)

6. There is a spot right between the outside of my wife’s eye and her temple that is about my favorite spot in the world to kiss.

7. I love the smell of paper.

8. I hate the smell of oven cleaner. It is the only smell in the world that can make me throw up.

9. I love guns but think that most people who love guns are dip shits.

10. I’m thirty four but still day dream about a lot of the same stuff I day dreamed about when I was thirteen (super powers, heroic rescues, inventing something awesome, riches, traveling back in time and kicking my own ass, being irresistible to the ladies) One out of six aint bad!

11. I don’t look at my paystub at all. I know ballpark what I make, but not down to the penny. I don’t know how much taxes they take out, or medical, or FICA (whatever that is) I don’t know how much sick time I have and usually only know my vacation when It gets down towards the end of the year and I know I have to take it or loose it.

12. I get sick to my stomach and irritable when I am late for something.

13. I have to turn the music off when I am looking for anything.

14. I usually forget to turn the music back on.

15. I don’t listen to a lot of music.

16. I have no problem admitting that someone is stronger, faster, better looking, handier , more together, more organized, more knowledgeable, or more powerful than me. I have a hard time admitting that someone is smarter, a better shot, or can kick my ass, even if it is patently obvious.

17. It makes me so mad when someone slaps the back of my head, even playfully..I literally see red. I would get less mad if someone punched me in the face.

18. When I get a direction wrong in my head, like when I think a certain street runs East/West when it actually runs North/South, its permanent. I can never, ever, ever convince my subconcious that it is not the way I feel it should be. I will forever have to picture myself on a map with my self facing North and my left hand pointing West and then overlay this mental picture over the street that I intelectually know goes North to figure out which way the cross streets are going. This is a process that takes several seconds and requires me to close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose.

There are a ton more that always come to me but I forget them cause I guess they don' really matter much. Here is a good start though, I hope some of you all write back and either tell me that some of those things are the same for you, or write back and tell me to seek some help.


  1. I have to respond via e-mail to these....

  2. I'm totally with you on #7, with the exception being those old school photocopies we used to get in elementary school (80s) that were blue. I also did not enjoy the smell of the SATs or ACTs.

    In addition to holding a lot of facts and fictions, books are my favorite thing to smell. They're like my version of flowers, only paginated and inky, instead of petaled and aromatic (or not).

  3. Ken - you should seriously consider a career as an author... your blog is a great read.

  4. Boy do I get taking a book camping! There is nothing more satisfying than sitting under a tree on a bright sunshiney day and reading to your heart's content. The only problem is there is always someone who thinks you are wasting your time and want you to do something campy. Leave me alone and let me read. Love, Mom

  5. Along the same lines as number 17, it pisses me off to no end when someone (i.e. Shay) blows on my stomach, like a zerbert (spelling?). Seriously, I really would take a punch in the face. I hate the belly blow that much. That being said, I'd rather not have the punch in the face, either. On number 10, which one do you think you've accomplished because I'm unconvinced about any. Zing!
